Help us choose
This year, Luminess is devoting part of its budget to helping an association that conveys values that are important to us. For this first donation, 3 entities have been pre-selected and we are now calling on you to choose the one that will benefit from it!
In order to take your participation into account, we only need your e-mail address. Please note that it will not be kept for commercial purposes, you will only receive a confirmation email for your participation.
Among these 3 associations
Emmaus Connect

The association has the particularity of working on the 3 aspects of digital poverty: access to equipment, access to means of connection and support for essential skills.
To date, more than 90 people have been helped at our reception centers or at partner Relais Numériques.
The association also offers training and tools to social actors and public service operators to transmit its methods with the ambition of changing scale in digital inclusion throughout the territory.

Digital without women: neither possible nor acceptable!
Femmes@Numérique wishes to mobilize energies, amplify the scope of actions already undertaken, make visible and share successes thanks to the commitment of those who are already working for this cause. This initiative is supported by 6 founding associations, it associates a collective of more than fifty associations and benefits from the support of about forty companies aware of the inclusion of women in digital technology.

Created in 2005, the GoodPlanet Foundation offers artistic (7 billion others, HUMAN...) and educational projects to raise awareness among the widest public and also supports solidarity and environmental field projects around the world.
The Foundation is also the first place dedicated to ecology and solidarity in Paris, GoodPlanet opened its doors in May 2017 at the Domaine de Longchamp. It is a sounding board for all those who wish to build a more sustainable and united world in a spirit of sharing and benevolence.