Application development and maintenance

Electronic Document Management -GED-

Optimize information governance in your organization

Platforms adapted to your needs

La dematerialisation and electronic management of documents are essential steps for optimizing your business process and improving the performance of your company. 

From faithful copy digitization to NF461 certified archiving and case management, Luminess offers, in collaboration with its partners, a end-to-end management of your value chain and a commitment every step of the way.

Our experts deploy platforms adapted to your organization and integrable into your information system for agile management of your activity in order to optimize the omnichannel processing of your customers' requests.

Improve the performance of your organization

Optimize your business processes

Secure and protect user data

Reduce lead times and improve quality

Lower the costs

Optimize the circulation and processing time of documents

Simplify and rationalize the production and processing of documents and files

Our expertise

An integrated solution


Luminess Expertise

Industrial solution

References in the insurance / health sector


Unique Luminess Coordination

Package commitment



Archives management

Modern and scalable configurable solution

Market leader

Hosting and Outsourcing

HDS and NF-461 hosting

Outsourcing, support and TMA

Partnerships to strengthen our expertise

Bring the right technological brick

With its experience as an integrator, Luminess with its API designer capabilities allows you to forge partnerships to customize the processes that are particularly suited to your needs. 

Help you transform

Florent Baslé
EDM expert

Configuring a "Case Management" at the output of our dematerialization platforms, setting up a "Full WebService" storage space or deploying an archiving system with probative value conforming to NF461, our experts will be able to offer you the latest technologies to streamline your document management and integrate it perfectly into your Information Systems.

They put their trust in us

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